Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 6 In Review

While he video took up most of my comenting time I had a few thoughts from the readings last week that I wanted to put down before another week of readings flowed over them.

First is a question, can we do BGI's webpage for a Google Analytics as an example in class? While I have it on my blog, with only 7people out of the class following me the traffic information is not that helpful.

I was impressed at the detail that Obama used in his web campaign, specifly his call to action. Giving individuals the opprotunity to be a few clicks away from making campagin calls. This is something that marketing, blogs, and speakers so often forget, a call to action.

The concept of writing for the future has been with me all week. A challege when one should also be speaking in the present. Will people with all this information go back to read information as it gets older? How about what is in print but not online (like old thesis's or research papers)? Only if there is value in it now, presently, or for some reason that my future words have a greater value then individuals may go back for these.

Then there is "Made to Stick", got the book off the shelf and put it near the bed, I know we read it for school, but I may put in a few chapters soon because I enjoyed the simple, concrete message. I enjoy it when literature, talks, and education emulates the information it is presenting.

Finally in the "Made to Stick" video there was a short bit that made me think a lot about LPD, which for those of you that do not know, I have some reservations about how practical much of the curriculum is. The piece that got me thinking about this was the "logic leads to conclusions and emotions leads to action".  It is the information in this that leads to the right conclusion or actions. There needs to be a balance to achieve that "right" conclusion or action, LPD does not have that balance for me, this short piece help highlight that for me, now for the emotions so I can act on this conclusion.

1 comment:

  1. Your post got me thinking of my favorite quote by Swami Vivekananda:

    "Watch your thoughts, they become words,
    Watch your words, they become actions,
    Watch your actions, they become habits,
    Watch your habits, they become character,
    And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny".

    If logic leads to conclusions and emotions leads to action, than what is triggering thought?
